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$4,995 /mo

One Plan, Infinite Possibilities

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Unify data for business impact.

Let's Talk

What is included?


Entity Resolution

Empower source control with deterministic precision. Achieve seamless resolution and unify records with unwavering determinism to create the master record.


Data Integration

Break down data silos and connect any data source, with Syncari's patented multi-directional, stateful synchronization engine. Access all synapses and extend Syncari via custom connector SDK kit. Ensure clean, unified data is seamlessly available wherever your teams need it.


Intelligent Data Pipelines

Orchestrate and automate data flows with intuitive pipelines and triggers. Leverage actions to trigger custom events, monitor data signals, and configure intelligent data-driven processes for a truly dynamic data fabric.


Continuous Data Quality

Empower governance by actively measuring and improving data completeness, accuracy, and consistency across your entire ecosystem. Syncari's advanced data quality tools provide the confidence to make informed decisions based on trusted data.


No-Code Data Automation

Streamline operations with Syncari's intuitive, no-code interface. Automate even complex data processes, including routing data to specific tools, triggering workflows, generating notifications, and more, all without a single line of code.


Dynamic Data Modeling

Craft a data model that perfectly reflects your unique business needs, or leverage Syncari's pre-built models for common entities like leads, opportunities, contacts, and accounts. Operate from a data foundation where every piece of data and every insight seamlessly align with your business, working in perfect harmony.


Unified Data Analytics

Gain actionable insights from your unified data hub. Build custom dashboards, visually analyze trends, and optimize performance across every stage of the entity lifecycle. Connect your Syncari data hub to any existing business intelligence (BI) tool and access your unified data through familiar interfaces and empower stakeholders with deep analytical capabilities.


Functions, Actions, Custom Actions, and SyncAI

Fine grain control to handle, modify, and automate data. Supercharge your data pipelines through SyncAI, seamlessly integrating AI services to the data processing workflow. Automate decision-making processes, enhance data insights, and drive operational efficiency.


Continuous Data Governance

Govern your unified data effectively with no-code policies. Set access controls, monitor data lineage, and ensure continuous compliance. As data quality improves, updates propagate automatically across all connected systems, maintaining synchronization throughout.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a record?


A Syncari record is a unified record that contains data stitched together from multiple systems. For example, if a contact exists in 3 systems and is unified in Syncari, it counts as 1 record, not 3 records.

What is a Synapse?


Unlike traditional connectors, Syncari Synapses are bi-directional and deeply understand end system schemas, provide deep integration for specific operations like merge and soft-delete, and manage the impact of schema changes across every connected Synapse. Synapses are stateful integration connectors to external sources.

What is multi-directional sync?


Syncari’s patented multi-directional sync engine empowers you to effortlessly update, transfer, and mirror data between multiple systems or databases in real-time. With Multi-directional Sync, changes made in one system are seamlessly propagated to others, ensuring your data remains consistent and up-to-date across all connected sources.

Are automations or transactions capped?


No. Unlike other platforms that offer complicated consumption metering, Syncari keeps things simple. Syncari offers unlimited automations and transactions.