
faster deployment time


data availability (vs. 2 days)


product usage data visibility

About Dooly

Dooly is the world’s first connected workspace for revenue teams. Giving salespeople back the freedom to sell, Dooly helps sellers hit quota by saving them 5+ hours of Salesforce grunt work every week. Businesses worldwide — including Asana, BigCommerce, and Intercom — use Dooly to align their teams on a single platform that helps everyone become a top performer.

The Challenge

Like many companies, Dooly wanted to be able to use their critical product usage data to make better business decisions. But from needing to run manual searches in Google BigQuery to not being able to sync that data back to Salesforce, Dooly’s visibility was limited. While Looker was able to provide some holistic data, information on specific companies was extremely limited. They couldn’t determine which customers were in their free trial, which were a churn risk, or which were candidates for upselling.

This lack of data across the board meant all the various teams at Dooly, from Customer Success and Sales to Marketing, were unable to make the data-driven decisions they needed to not only better serve their existing customers and prospects, but also drive the company’s growth.

The Approach

Prior to discovering Syncari, Dooly worked for six months with Hightouch, but was unable to find a solution. Bogged down by constant errors and wasting time trying to fix them through custom code, the Dooly team was facing major challenges. To compound the issue, they were losing trust in their data accuracy, as well. To make matters worse, Hightouch support was unresponsive. Rather than fall victim to the sunken cost fallacy, Dooly was determined to find a new solution.

After Hightouch, Dooly looked into Twilio Segment, but they quickly realized they needed a vendor who could get them up and running quickly — with no custom code. Luckily, Dooly found Syncari. In under three weeks, they were able to replace the Hightouch project that had taken six months to build, and they did it all without needing any custom code.

The Solution

Working with Syncari, Dooly was able to automate and unify customer data between Salesforce and BigQuery. Now, every department in the organization has immediate and complete visibility over many types of customer data, including whether they went through the free trial or sales process.

Better still, Dooly is able to use product usage data to determine which customers are at risk of churning, who is a good candidate for upsell or renewal efforts, and which free trials are most likely to convert to paid customers. “Because of Syncari, we have immediate access to customer information that helps us identify churn risks and uncover opportunities to expand revenue with our customers,” Jenna Molby, Former Head of Revenue Operations at Dooly, stated. With this wealth of data at their disposal, Dooly can now focus on accelerating the growth of the business rather than fixing bad data and manual processes.

The Future

Dooly is now looking to the future to deliver a more cohesive experience for their customers while also uncovering usage trends that will drive revenue for the business. They plan to work with Syncari to automate product usage data synchronization across both Salesforce and BigQuery, giving every department access to this game-changing data. Dooly plans to automatically merge, dedupe, and cleanse this data and are excited about not having to write any code to do so.

Dooly's Jenna Molby
Jenna Molby

Former Head of Revenue Operations

“Working with Syncari has been a really positive experience. Their Support team was quick and responsive, even helping me after hours.”

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