Syncari Raises $17.3m Series A To Automate Cloud Data Management

Crosslink Capital leads the round with seed investors also participating; founding team from Marketo, MuleSoft and Zendesk eyes a massive opportunity to make data interoperable across the enterprise tech stack.
NEWS UPDATED: May 18, 2021

SAN FRANCISCO, May 18, 2021 — Syncari, the company behind the world’s first no-code data automation platform, has closed $17.3 million in Series A funding. Crosslink Capital led the round, with participation by seed-round investors ANIMO, NextGen Venture Partners, SignalFire, and Dig Ventures. Syncari’s total funding now stands at $26.8 million, and it will use this most recent infusion to accelerate its market rollout and lead this new category while expanding its sales, marketing, customer success, and engineering teams.

Syncari is taking aim at a growing problem that is a direct result of the explosive growth of SaaS applications and cloud data sources that are scattered across the modern enterprise: data distrust. The primary culprit of this distrust? The dozens of point-to-point connections created over decades with dated integration, RPA, ETL, or custom-coded solutions that don’t allow for data coordination across the business. When executives and their teams can’t agree on basic information, and can’t tell good data from bad data, it’s difficult for any of them to live up to being data-driven.

“We see a huge and largely unaddressed market opportunity: to make the modern tech stack operate as one efficient system with trusted, unified data,” said Nick Bonfiglio, CEO of Syncari. “This oversubscribed Series A round underscores that investors see the same opportunity and demonstrates their confidence in the work done over the last two years by Syncari’s team. This funding will further accelerate our product innovation and support our go-to-market strategy and investments.”

“While the rapid adoption of cloud infrastructure and SaaS tools by companies large and small has brought many benefits, it has also created meaningful challenges of dealing with multiple systems of record and data disaggregation,” said Phil Boyer, partner at Crosslink Capital. “The market opportunity for Syncari to reinvent data management to solve these challenges is enormous and transformative. Today, companies looking to achieve data consistency across their systems have two options: cobble together disparate ETL/ELT, data transformation, and data warehouse solutions — or use Syncari. We think the choice is clear, and we are excited to partner with the Syncari team on this journey.”

The patent-pending innovation Syncari developed is a multi-directional sync engine that automates and governs the flow of data across the enterprise. It does this by enabling non-technical business users to easily stitch together disparate systems into one unified data model, something that until now required a team of experts and a 6-12 month project. Syncari has also drastically simplified data normalization, transformation, and management — making data automation accessible to everyone. This means marketing can create more qualified demand by targeting the right people in the right accounts, sales can accelerate deal cycles with a complete customer view, and customer success can identify advocates and prevent unwanted churn.

“Syncari is helping us simplify and democratize data management as we gear up to enter a new phase of growth,” said Chris Thompson, head of marketing operations at Conga. “My team loves that it’s codeless yet really powerful. Every data policy we build gets enforced automatically across every connected system, meaning we can actually achieve data consistency across the stack.”

Got data problems? Sign up for a Syncari demo
Companies are drowning in data that accumulates in their CRM, marketing automation, and ERP systems. When crucial operating teams cannot agree on which data represents the truth, performance is stifled, and revenue goals are harder to attain. To learn how Syncari can solve your data problems, schedule a demo.

About Syncari
Syncari is a VC-backed startup founded by an experienced team from Marketo, MuleSoft, and Zendesk. Syncari provides a data automation platform that empowers operations professionals to unify, clean, manage, and distribute trusted customer data across the enterprise. Syncari restores data trust with a powerful fusion of data management, workflow automation, and multi-directional sync.

Media Contact:

Aaron Landgraf